Heal Force ha lanzado un programa de gestión de salud basado en las características locales de China. En el futuro, también esperamos personalizar excelentes soluciones de gestión de salud para personas de todo el mundo. Heal force le lleva a una vida más saludable.
El 14o Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad de Proteínas de Tailandia, una de las conferencias más importantes de este país, se celebró con éxito en Bangkok, Tailandia, del 22 al 23 de julio. El X960 de Heal Force (termociclador de tiempo real), como un instrumento de laboratorio de alto rendimiento y rentable, ha atraído mucha atención en esta conferencia.
Heal Force CO2 Incubator is helping not only hospitals but also universities and institutes all over the world to complete the job and get the best possible result with less effort!
We don’t always see that many Thermal Cyclers are being used that often in one single client that provides services such like Peptide Synthesis, Antibody Production, Gene Clone, Sequencing and Protein Expression Experiments, Molecular Diagnostic Kits for Genetic Engineering Experiments.
Heal Force Real-time Thermal Cycler X960 has the characteristics of High Resolution CCD、Unique Optical Path、Superior Ramp Rate and Intuitive&Powerful Software and so on,which will be launched in the June 2019 issue of Biospectrum, India.
Biological Safety Cabinet, as we know it, is essential laboratory equipment. It is able to prevent the operators from the danger of infectious materials. Categorized by the biosafety level, the method of dealing with contaminated gases are different, and we offer products of level 1 and 2 in both A2 and B2 type.